Mental Health

Invest in the mental health and well-being of your staff and students with our comprehensive Mental Health services. Our experienced professionals are committed to providing the support and resources needed to foster a mentally healthy and resilient community.

Unlock your potential with Core today.


Mental Health - Empowering Individuals and Communities

Our mental health services prioritize the well-being of individuals and communities. At Core Educational Services, we understand the importance of mental health in the workplace and educational settings. Our comprehensive services encompass an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), adult training on the ramifications of trauma in the workplace, and support for students dealing with anxiety and mental health issues related to trauma.

Why Choose Mental Health Services at Core Educational Services?

Holistic Approach: We take a holistic approach to mental health, addressing the needs of employees, adults, and students. Our goal is to create a supportive and resilient community.

Experienced Professionals: Our team consists of experienced mental health professionals and educators who are dedicated to promoting mental well-being.

Our Mental Health Services

1. Employee Assistance Program (EAP):
Our EAP is designed to support employees facing personal and work-related challenges. We provide confidential counseling, resources, and referrals to help employees manage stress, mental health concerns, and life transitions.

2. Adult Training on Trauma in the Workplace:
Trauma can have a significant impact on workplace dynamics. Our training programs help adults understand the ramifications of trauma in the workplace. Participants gain insights into recognizing and addressing trauma-related issues, fostering a healthier work environment.

3. Student Anxiety and Mental Health Support:
We offer comprehensive support to students dealing with anxiety and mental health issues stemming from trauma. Our programs include counseling, coping strategies, and resources to help students navigate their academic journey while addressing their mental health needs.

Our Mental Health Services

1. Employee Assistance Program (EAP):
Our EAP is designed to support employees facing personal and work-related challenges. We provide confidential counseling, resources, and referrals to help employees manage stress, mental health concerns, and life transitions.

2. Adult Training on Trauma in the Workplace:
Trauma can have a significant impact on workplace dynamics. Our training programs help adults understand the ramifications of trauma in the workplace. Participants gain insights into recognizing and addressing trauma-related issues, fostering a healthier work environment.

3. Student Anxiety and Mental Health Support:
We offer comprehensive support to students dealing with anxiety and mental health issues stemming from trauma. Our programs include counseling, coping strategies, and resources to help students navigate their academic journey while addressing their mental health needs.

Why Mental Health Support Matters

Employee Well-Being: A mentally healthy workforce is more productive, engaged, and resilient. EAP services can help employees overcome personal challenges and maintain their well-being.

Workplace Harmony: Training on the ramifications of trauma in the workplace promotes understanding, empathy, and a supportive atmosphere among colleagues.

Student Success: Addressing student anxiety and mental health issues related to trauma ensures that students can focus on their education and personal growth.

Community Resilience: Mental health support contributes to the overall resilience and well-being of the community, fostering a healthier and more productive society.

Choose Core Educational Services for Mental Health Support

Invest in the mental health and well-being of your staff and students with our comprehensive Mental Health services. Our experienced professionals are committed to providing the support and resources needed to foster a mentally healthy and resilient community.

Contact us today to learn more about our Mental Health services and how we can customize a program to meet the specific needs of your workplace or educational institution. Together, we can create a more mentally healthy and supportive environment for all.